Extract DVD

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This describes how to convert a DVD to OGG video using:

  • libtheora for video
  • libvorbis for audio
  • srt subtitles


Install the packages

apt-get install lsdvd ffmpeg mplayer oggz-tools

For using encrypted DVDs build and install libdvdcss from http://download.videolan.org/pub/libdvdcss/last

./configure --prefix=/usr
make install


Use lsdvd to see what's on DVD. Determine the stream you would like to extract as well as the aid for audio and the sid for subtitles.

lsdvd -x

Write the stream to the harddrive so the next steps will go faster.

mplayer dvdnav://<stream> -dumpstream -dumpfile <title>.vob

Investigate the VOB file and note the numbers for the videostream and the audiostream

avprobe <title>.vob

Some VOB files report the wrong duration so just in case rebuild the vob file but only with the required videostream and audiostream.

avconv -y -i <title>.vob -map 0:<videostream> -c:v copy -an -sn -f vob <title>_video.vob
avconv -y -i <title>.vob -map 0:<audiostream> -c:a copy -vn -sn -f ac3 <title>_audio.ac3


Get the bitrate

bitrate=`avprobe -show_format <title>_audio.ac3 2>/dev/null | grep bit_rate | cut -d= -f 2`; samplerate=`avprobe -show_streams <title>_audio.ac3 2>/dev/null | grep sample_rate | cut -d= -f 2` ; echo "scale=10;${bitrate}/(${samplerate}/44100)/2/1000" | bc | cut -d. -f 1

Now extract audio from the stream and convert to OGG.

avconv -y -i <title>_audio.ac3 -c:a libvorbis -b:a <audio_bitrate>k -ar 44100 -vn -sn -f ogg <title>.audio


Detect the amount to crop.

avconv -y -i <title>_video.vob -t 600 -vf cropdetect -an -sn -f rawvideo /dev/null 2>&1 | tail | head -n 1 | sed 's/^.*crop=//'

Get the bitrate

bitrate=`avprobe -show_format <title>_video.vob 2>/dev/null | grep bit_rate | cut -d= -f 2 | cut -d. -f 1 `; sar=`avprobe -show_streams <title>_video.vob 2>/dev/null | grep sample_aspect_ratio | cut -d= -f 2 | sed 's/:/\//'`; echo "scale=10;${bitrate}/(${sar})/4/1000" | bc | cut -d. -f 1

Convert the video stream to ogv

avconv -y -pass 1 -i <title>_video.vob -vf crop=<cropvalues>,scale=in_w:in_h/sar -g 15 -bf 2 -b:v <video_bitrate>k -c:v libtheora -an -sn -f ogg <title>.video
avconv -y -pass 2 -i <title>_video.vob -vf crop=<cropvalues>,scale=in_w:in_h/sar -g 15 -bf 2 -b:v <video_bitrate>k -c:v libtheora -an -sn -f ogg <title>.video


Extract the subtitles from the stream.

To do!!!


Combine everything in a ogg container

oggz-merge -o <title>.ogv <title>.video <title>.audio